TheEarlybirds’ NEST model
The Thearlybirds models allow one to make concrete choices in the transition to fossil-free built environment.
The NEST model calculates for a building – no matter how complicated – the optimal combination of building improvement and heating technologies.
Every bird its own warm nest
For TheEarlybirds, a nest is a model for a building: it is a place where you stay for a long time, where it must be comfortable and it is unlike any other nest. Even if it is just a little. Every building has different properties and handles energy differently. Now and after the heat transition.
To determine the best way to transform a building into fossil-free, TheEarlybirds developed their NEST model. It calculates optimal heating solutions for every building, no matter how different.
How does it work?
In an interactive and visual way, the NEST model provides insight into conceivable scenarios for a transition to fossil-free. Based on a 3D model, in the NEST model the current energy management is simulated in detail. This provides immediate insight into which part of the building can provide savings most effectively.
The model then interactively shows which savings and which heating technology will lead to the best fossil-free heat solution.
The NEST model provides insight (among other things) into:
- the optimal combination of energy-saving measures and heating technology,
- whether it is attractive to connect your homes | building to the heat network,
- what the future energy demand and what the annual costs per variant are.
The NEST model can be integrated into the COLONY model.
How does it work?
In an interactive and visual way, the NEST model provides insight into conceivable scenarios for a transition to fossil-free. Based on a 3D model, in the NEST model the current energy management is simulated in detail. This provides immediate insight into which part of the building can provide savings most effectively.
The model then interactively shows which savings and which heating technology will lead to the best fossil-free heat solution.
The NEST model provides insight (among other things) into:
- the optimal combination of energy-saving measures and heating technology,
- whether it is attractive to connect your homes | building to the heat network,
- what the future energy demand and what the annual costs per variant are.
The NEST model can be integrated into the COLONY model.
For whom?
With the help of the NEST model, decisions about heating solutions can be made well-considered. It saves building owners money and time. Unneccesary or excessive investments are prevented and the right concrete steps towards a fossil-free situation can be taken.
Building owner

“With the integrated calculations from the NEST model, we knew how and where to approach the building. It gave us the focus on really meaningful energy-saving measures so that we can put our money into the most energy-saving measures. ”
Housing corporation

“With the NEST model, TheEarlybirds showed us that the measures would lead to responsible and acceptable investments. The proposals fitted in well with the strategic choices that we as a housing corporation must make. ”
Owners association

“It is always difficult for a owners association to get all members in line. Especially when it comes to major interventions. Thanks to the NEST model, we know that we are putting our joint money into the right investments and we are heading for a sustainable future. ”
Related projects
“With the NEST model, TheEarlybirds showed us that the proposed measures would lead to responsible and acceptable investments. The proposals fitted in well with the strategic choices we have to make as a corporation.
We are now well able to take a concrete next step in the plan development of the project. The collaboration made it possible to quickly switch from theoretical models to a practical interpretation of result comparisons. ”
René Ploeger, project manager at housing corporation Parteon